The 10 Dental Plan

The 10 Dental Plan

Being on a budget can be a downer, especially when it comes to your teeth. Even with a decent and affordable dental plan in your arsenal of tools professional dentistry can be quite costly. However, with just $10, most people can the power to purchase the essential tools needed for maintaining a healthy smile for the majority of their life.
The $10 dental plan is a preventative strategy that involves not only buying the right type of products to respond to your oral hygiene needs, but also learning how to use the implements properly. The essentials of the plan include:

Soft Toothbrush: The next time you need to select a new toothbrush, do not get distracted by all the pretty colors. You should concentrate your energy on finding a toothbrush with a small enough head to reach all your teeth and gums and a brush with soft, rounded-end bristles. Using a toothbrush that is too hard can actually cause damage to your gums and tooth enamel, thus increasing your chance of tooth decay or periodontal disease further down the road. Plus, hard bristle brushes are not flexible enough to go underneath your gums and fit between your teeth. Make sure to replace your toothbrush every three to four months.
Toothpaste: Whether you like it minty fresh or prefer the taste of bubble gum there is a wide array of toothpaste options out there. The best ones for staving off dental problems have fluoride. The compound has been clinically proven to reduce and prevent tooth decay, time and time again.
Dental Floss: This is one of the most important tools in the $10 dental plan arsenal. Although your mouth may taste fresh after a good brushing session, chances are plaque and small food particles may have settled between your teeth. Using dental floss will remove all the ickiness plus, by using the right technique, over time you can strengthen your gums.
Drink Tap Water: Most communities' public water supplies have fluoride as an additive. The compound was gradually added to water supplies around the nation after years of research and an endorsement from the department U.S. Public Health Service. This portion of the $10 dental plan adds no additional costs to the bottom line just go to your tap and enjoy.
With your toolbox in place, you are almost ready to take the next step into the world of good oral hygiene. The next steps involve:

Brushing your Teeth Twice a Day: Professionals advise people to use small circular movements and pay special attention to where the gums and teeth connect. To ensure that you have fresh breath, make sure to brush your tongue, cheeks and each tooth surface.
Floss Once a Day: The best time to do this is right before you go to bed and after you brush your teeth. By curving the floss around each tooth, forming a U-shape and delicately sliding the floss under the gum line, tons of plaque of food particles will be unearthed.

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