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Ceramic Dental Crowns Types Cost And Pros 38 Cons

Missing, misaligned, gapped or stained teeth can often be a source of embarrassment, as well as spoil a person's facial appearance and wreak havoc on her/his quality of life. Ceramic dental crowns can fix embarrassing affliction of tooth structure and literally return your smile aesthetics.
Ceramic Dental Crowns
Cosmetically, ceramic dental crowns are natural-colored metal free coverings that are placed over a dental implant, a tooth or teeth that have become extensively damaged or decayed. This cap mimic the shape of the tooth under repair and is applied over the damaged tooth's surface using dental cement in order to restore its shape, size and strength.
Also known as dental all-ceramic restorations, ceramic dental caps' popularity has rapidly increased over the past decade because of their natural appearance, bio-compatibility, excellent mechanical properties, strength and durability.
These kind of dental prostheses are stronger and tougher than porcelain and all-resin prosthetic teeth. Using advanced processing technologies such as hot pressing and CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture), ceramic dental crowns produce better aesthetic results than any other type.
There are two main types of all-ceramic crowns are available in the market- Zirconia and E-Max.
Zirconia Crowns
A zirconia crown is a popular type of all-ceramic restorations which is made from zirconia, a material which has been harvested for its strength and durability. Apart from the dentistry zirconia is used in many other medical applications such as artificial joints. Zirconia dental prostheses are worn to hide surface imperfections and rejuvenate the tooth's appearance. They are easy to wear and have a translucent appearance which makes them indistinguishable from natural teeth.
E-Max Crowns
This type of all-ceramic crowns is made from a single block of lithium disilicate ceramic, a top quality material which is known for its toughness and durability. Their highly attractive appearance and opaque qualities make E-Max crowns a highly prized dental restoration.
Ceramic crowns look far more natural than the traditional metal type.
Apart from improving your facial & smile aesthetics, ceramic crowns restore tooth structure, strength, and function of your teeth and boost your confidence.
All-ceramic crowns, when cemented properly, can greatly help patients with weakened or traumatized teeth, protecting them from further damage.
Ceramic crowns are custom matched to the color of your natural teeth in order to provide the most natural, aesthetically pleasing results.
Ceramic crowns are used to cover a dental implant to comfortably work together with your remaining healthy teeth.
One of the most obvious advantages is that ceramic dental crowns look, feel, and function like your own teeth.
If crafted accurately, ceramic dental crowns can help your upper and lower teeth to meet properly and maintain a proper, balanced bite.
These dental caps may be more suitable for people with metal allergies.
Ceramic dental crowns are less durable than other types of crowns.
They are not as strong as porcelain fused to metal crowns and more prone to cracking or breaking.
All-ceramic restorations are more likely used for the front teeth and not usually recommended for molars and premolars since these prostheses are not designed to support a lot of biting force and chewing.
One of the biggest disadvantages is to do with its cost.
All-ceramic crowns are more expensive than any other option. The high grade material and time needed to produce these prostheses as well as the requirement of a high degree of expertise on the part of the dentist to fit these caps also increase their cost.
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Ceramic Dental Crowns...

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Health Benefits of the Family Dentist

It is recommended that we visit the dentist at least two times a year, which means every six months. This way we can get our teeth cleaned, gums checked, and locate any concerns before they become a bigger problem. If we realize any concerns before they become a bigger problem, this can save you time, money, worry, and sometimes even pain in the long run. A regular cleaning also helps prevent plaque buildup, tooth decay, tooth sensitivity concerns, and they also help give us a fluoride treatment if necessary to help prevent tooth decay.
At a regular dental visit, we also may get x-rays done of our teeth to help the dentist see cavities, and other tooth or jaw concerns. If a cavity is spotted, they can fill the cavity and save you the time and money for more tooth problems later on, such as having to get a crown, dental implant, root canal, or other procedure to help restore the health of your teeth. Also, the dentists are friendly, helpful, and supportive.
Going to see the dentist may be scary for many, and embarrassing or shameful for others, but it should not be. The family dentist is there to help and protect your teeth and save you time and money on other oral health problems in the future. There are many dentists that also often to sedate people while cleaning their teeth these days, so it will be less scary and painful. Finally, dentists are there to answer any questions or concerns you may have. They are also trained to be professional and gentle. So, it is important to do the right thing for your teeth and go see your family dentist. You may see that the benefits are better than you once thought.

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